This school is full of druggies, alcoholics and vapors. No in between everyone in this high school has done at least one of the three or is at least one of the 3. Their football team is the only thing going for this town. There is no diversity; only white. You’re either racist or you’re not. They took away our blend but gave us a tropical smoothie so now it’s hit up trop and then walk to mejier. Lots of teen moms and a few white boys that live in Metamora that think they’re better than everyone else. Talking about Metamora, you either live there or Attica. If you live in the town of Lapeer you’re either normal or an emo hick. What’s the bathroom you ask? No, you ask to go to the juul-room. While in the juul-room you may not be able to do your business in privacy when exiting your stall you maybe get a vape shoved down ur throat. Every girl has sent nudes to at least 25 guys including probably her cousin from North branch. Well this sums up your Lapeer High School.
“Where do you go?”
“Lapeer Highschool”
“Damn bro that god awful, atleast ur football team is good”
by Biiit loo December 19, 2018
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The home of mamy of the states douchebags, alcoholics, wiggers, sluts, and dumb fucks that drive like dick bags. If you grew up here you've most likely done hard drugs before. You can hang out walking around Walmart for the only thing to do at night. When driving thru keep a look out for the douchebags driving in very large circles bumping their shitty sounding systems trying to be cool but just annoying everyone. Fuck Lapeer.
"What's going on in Lapeer, Mi tonight?"

"Ganna go to walmart then hit up Fatboys to pick up some sluts, and piss off the douchebags hics that were trying to bang them. Fuckin love how easy the sluts are."
by gencidalspermdonor February 19, 2017
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Drugtown USA. Full of wannabe Emo's, Hicks left and right, drug dealers and abusers everywhere you look, and few decent people who want to leave, but can't due to lack of hiring jobs.
"There are no jobs in Lapeer Mi."
by Tyvon01 September 5, 2019
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What a town to live, lemme tell you.
Dave: Wanna go to Lapeer?
Jill: Fuck no.
by Meese16 March 11, 2021
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