The realest nigga on the planet, the undisputed king of roblox, lives in the roblox headquarters.

Will stomp on you on any game you play, some might even think of him as an omnipotent god.

Has 19,232,534,342,865,455 wins and 0 losses

This individual used to be in the Navy Seal who graduated top of his class and has been involved in numerous raids on Al-Qaeda and has 500 confirmed kills.
" I just saw KRAIGE on a game of arsenal, he destroyed the living shit out of me"

"Damn bro I got absolutely clapped by KRAIGE on deepwoken and stole all my enchants!
by Abdul Dingleberry April 16, 2022
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the nicest person in the worlddd,wicked funny,great hair,the freaking amazingist person in the world,if you ever see a kraig in your lifee,your very luckky.
Love your hair,its so kraig.
by aggg baby January 8, 2009
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A phrase used for anyone that is alone. A slang word for recluse.

Origin: Celtic, originally meant "he who dwells apart"
How horrible being kraig is.

I'd love to go kraig.
by Roland August 13, 2004
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someone who is very mean and has only dated one girl.This person is often very ugly and faggish.If you ever meet a kraig in your life beware of their albinoism.
This personn is often kraigalicous.
Oh my god you should go tanning you look like a kraig
by al sexy January 2, 2009
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A variation of the brother blumpkin in which the giver is finished with an abe lincoln and adds a mustache created from the other's excrement.
Sosa was so drunk last night that he willingly received a kraig vasquez.
by Assman December 3, 2004
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basically the coolest guy ever state champion wrestler and sex god women flock to him and he does what he wants also refered to as an american bad ass
american bad ass greatness awesome wrestler sex god kraig crawford
by cradlekraig July 21, 2009
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A Kraig Kross is how you describe it when a man crosses his legs like a woman. This man is usually feminine, with questionable sexual boundaries. Often times they will have a lisp of some sort and an uncanny resemblance to Beeker the Muppet. In fact, a man who executes a Kraig Kross is almost always a ginger.
"John did a kraig kross tonight."
"That's always the first mistake in turning yourself into an inanimate object in a woman's eyes"
"You're right. John is now a lampshade."
by the_slibs August 13, 2011
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