Jesus is Lord. :D
Text Messenger 1: Dude i just got outta church
Text Messenger 2: Right on bro JIL!
by MarkyMarkandtheFunkybunch December 15, 2008
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she‘s an awesome girl with an amazing sense of humor. jil is so gorgeous!! every boy could easily fall in love with her because shes hot af + shes very good in bed.
boy: eyyo i fucked jil
boy 2: god damn u lucky
by yawhoooo March 16, 2018
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Name starts with j and ends with il , class at football , the ladies love him , 47, he usually has a brother called stegay and is also a quality fifa player
‘Wouldn’t you love to have a big jil
HELOO jilingham’ that Is a quote from r nick
by VirgilVanDijk December 22, 2018
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A way classifying the opposite sex in the South Indian neo Culture. Jil being hot, Jung mediocre and Juk jus fuckin awful
Praveen: YO Dawg, was you talking to Meera? What would you give her in the Jil JUNG Juk rating ?
Venkat: She is Jil as Phuck.
by HornyVenkat June 4, 2018
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A Dirty jil is when your really drunk and dance with dude and sleep with him in a swererage
Last weekend was so bad i did a dirty jil with that one dude
by Jil ihr crush ;) May 24, 2022
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Jil is extraordinary in an extraordinary way. A sensible paradox.
Although often being referred as „hot“ or „sexy“, Jil is so much more than that.

Jil will never ask for help, not even in times when she can no longer help herself.

Jil does not want to be a burden.
Being the most emotional person you‘ll ever meet, Jil cries. A lot. Sometimes for no particular reason. Jil is insecure and prone to emotional outbursts. Fragile.

Yet, Jil deserves the world and more. Jil is caring, breathtakingly smart, passionate and inspiring.
She always has something to say even if she remains silent. Jil has the ability to smile with her eyes.
Jil is very driven and independent. She‘s been through a lot.
Jil‘s touch is pure magic and her warmth feels like sitting by a fireplace on a snowy evening the night before christmas.
Jil knows she‘s precious, yet sells herself short.

Jil is not hot, she is beautiful.
“Jil feels like home. I love Jil.”
by finalcurtain November 22, 2021
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Jil has a beautiful personality, she is the loveliest person in the world. She is kind and charming. She has dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile. She is extremely photogenic with a bomb ass body, she’s not the curvy type of girl but she has big b00bies. Jil is quite tall and simply looks like a model. She’s sometimes insecure about herself and doesn’t realise how gorgeous she is.

Her family and friends are the most important thing to her, she’s caring and kind. She wouldn’t harm a fly, she’s simply an angel.
Girl: Goodness this girl looks so gorgeous!!
Me: You mean Jil?
Girl: How did you know, I’m talking about her?
Me: She simply stands out of the crowd, I know my bestie
Girl: Wow, such a queen!
by cinnamon bun November 20, 2021
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