1. a unit of the Roman army, with about a few thousand people. the term was subsequently adopted for other armed forces units throughout history.

2. a recurring boss in the castlevania series of video games, Legion is a floating creature (sometimes containing something akin to a fetus inside it) with beam-shooting tentacles, and shell surrounding itself completely made of human bodies. it is normally found in a catacombs-like area.
1. He was put in charge of this legion, which had the difficult task of circumventing the mountain range in order to attack the enemy forces from behind.

2. Holy crap, Legion looks worse than a nightmare. Only Beezelbub or Nightmare (from Metroid Fusion) come close.
by Quint Sakugarne January 6, 2007
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Legions are the fans of a group called Deadsy. Deadsy is an American synth rock band from California. They are wildly known for being the founders of the sub-genre Undercore, as they would not fit under any other genre label. They have played many shows mainly based in California, but have grown to tour multiple times on the now renowned Family Values Tour.
"The legions came in full force to the last Deadsy concert"
by shortness February 15, 2007
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A vast amount, a huge quantity or an almost insurmountable task
my email inbox is legion, I'll never get through it
by utunga December 16, 2010
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A bunch of ex-marines who have no lives, spending all day and night playing the facebook game "Battle Pirates".

These keyboard warriors joined a 'free' game and pay thousands of dollars each month to have an advantage over the people who join to have fun.

They suck the life-force out of decent players and make the game un-enjoyable with their stupid catchphrases "I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN", "DUMB FEK" and "I AM MILITARY"

They are an abomination on the human society with many members choosing to play online games for 20hrs at time rather than spend any real time with their wives and/or children.

Note: Not all members are this socially retarded but due to association-by-proxy, these few (1 or 2) have become disliked by many also.
Player 1 - Fcuking Legion hit my base again. Took all my res too.

Legion Player - I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN


Player 1 - I had sent2's and all.


*Please note: certain members are either unaware of how to spell simple words or they are so full of angst that someone has spoken against them that they can not type.
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A group of male admirers that boost a girl's confidence, yet she is forced to reject them all for one lame reason or another, resulting in remaining single.
I mean I guess I have a legion of sorts, but I just really like Bill, even though his girlfriend Brandi is pregnant.
by Kristennn December 1, 2005
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The gay guys cosplaying as romans that crucify everyone, because they think everyone who isnt them is a degenerate that deserves to die. They are also kicking the NCRs ass.
Random NCR trooper: we wont go quiet, the legion can count on that.
by NCR twper February 23, 2021
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He is GOD he is the best PROGAMER in the world.
sol < Legion
by Anonymous March 19, 2003
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