Crappy Internet Relay Chat service where you are continually bombarded by cigarette sellers, adverts for increasing yr tit/penis size, turkish pervs with their trollies down and bizarre robot spam from the iron curtain
Where the friendless go to die...
by Little Miss Mayonnaise June 8, 2005
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An Internet Relay Chat programme which sucks quite frankly. Started off as a good alternative to MSN but now gets swamped by Turkish pervs, bogus internet joblinks and bizarre robot spam from the iron curtain.
by Little Miss Mayonnaise June 3, 2005
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A very lame attempt at creating an IM program..

No features at all...
And can never remember your number!
ICQ wow how fun!...not!
by jbx December 5, 2004
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A lame Instant Messaging service, where you get a lame number that is your chatting ID, that can hardly be remembered.

gets totally thrashed by MSN Messanger.
Amanda: My ICQ is: 43943693735
Me: Yeah whatever fag, get MSN or you are dumped.
by Cloud November 23, 2004
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