A Nickname now used by Katrinas after the Actual Hurricane in New Orleans.
"oh shit here come Hurricane Katrina! I wonder if she can blow like a Hurricane?"
by Hurricane Katrina707 August 13, 2009
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Hurricane Katrina was a Catagory 5 Hurricane that missed the city of New Orleans by 20 miles, yet caused massive flooding of 80% of the city (up to 25 feet deep) and may/will be the most costly natural disaster in the USA.
All of the Inner-Loop hotels in Houston, Texas where overbooked due to Hurricane Katrina.

Costs of the hurricane are estimated to be from 15-80 Billion USD
by Jahn Argosa August 30, 2005
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One nasty motherfucking hurricane. Went and walked all over New Orleans.
"Y'know Bob, in New Orleans? Yeah, his wife got killed by Hurricane Katrina."
"Shit. So it goes."
by Necrotol (Hello OT Clique!) September 1, 2005
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A hurricane that impacted the southeastern United Staes, causing extensive damage and flooding.
"Hurricane Katrina is a Bastard"
by herrbodezimmer September 2, 2005
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A natural disaster that was made 10 times worse by an incompetent Federal response, and the fact that most of the National Guard is now in Iraq. A natural disaster that shows that our worthless stooge of a President is totally incapable of the job people voted him in for.
Hurricane Katrina caused part of the misery, the Bush adminstration provided the rest.
by jesster79 September 15, 2005
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An event which pointed out that President George Walker Bush is mentally challenged. We should keep in mind that the President's imperfections, situated at www.dubyaspeak.com, clearly show that he might actually have an IQ of a peanut. So in respect to this, the country's reponse time, in my opinion, tends to be VERY slow. In other words, The Homeland Security should have raised the "terrorist threat" to red already!!!
by kmari October 7, 2005
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The moment in history when the USA revealed to the world the hollowness of its claim to being the richest nation.
World leader: "I thought the USA was rich and powerful until hurricane katrina"
by Brindabella September 15, 2005
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