The most adorable and cutest toilet ghost like damn
“Hanako-Kun is literally the most cutest thing on earth and beyond space
by Imalegendarycat September 18, 2020
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A ghost who haunts Kamome Academy’s third floor girls bathroom in the anime/manga series Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun. He is bound to Yashiro Nene, and is positioned as number 7 of the 7 mysteries that haunt Kamome Academy.
Wow! Have you heard of Hanako-kun? He’s so adorable!
by Heyimavereeeee July 12, 2020
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hanako san is a school ghost story in japan.she is known for haunting the third stall of the girls bathroom. her attire is a ruby red skirt with red suspenders, a white button up short sleeve top, white knee high socks, red shoes and short black hair. there are story's of hanako san where she will drag the person who summoned her in the stall and kill her and some where the door opens a little and the girl will need to open it the rest of the way. sometime's hanako will protect the girl from bully's and other ghost. one thing that is unclear is her history some say she did suicide in the third stall because of to much bullying. others say she was playing hide and seek in the third stall and a plane from world war three bombed that side of the school and many more story's.
*knock three time's on the third stall* are you there hanako san *wait for the door to open* yes i am here *in a slow whisper*
by souleaterlover December 17, 2019
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A state at which the person affected becomes unlovable and cold. Often showing a lack of vulnerability and usually tendencies to be suicidal.
Why isn’t _____ laughing at your joke?

Oh, _____ has Hanako._.Donut
by Ehe~ April 26, 2021
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They are a beautiful happy person and they are one of the best people in the world UnU ♥️
Hanako-simp is a simp XD
by Nene yashiro♥️ April 4, 2021
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