A professional pro-Microsoft troll.
A : Fuck, I just got a Kernel Panick.
glork : LOL. Next time, you should use Windows, you dickhead.

A : Fuck, I just got a Blue Screen of Death.
glork : LOL. Next time, you shouldn't surf on pr0n websites, you dickhead.
by Zeraw07 November 20, 2008
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To derive meaning of a word from the context it is used.
I had to glork what my manager was saying when he told me to "stop fjording around and get to workies", but i could only speculate what he was trying to get at.
by Blaine April 8, 2004
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Glork is the word used to express a feeling of too much anger.
*Hits arm on door*

"Glork, I hit my arm again"
by LordLudibrious October 21, 2018
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