A person who you meet for the first time and they blow up your phone everday and every weekend.
Heather-"Should I text Tim tonight and see what he is doing tonight?"

Vanessa- "No! You just hungout with him lastnight."

Heather-"Okay, I wont."
30 seconds later.....
Heather-"So I just texted Tim, and he hasnt responded yet..."

Vanessa-"You officially have Addictive Friend Syndrome."
by vanclar24 July 9, 2010
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Usually occurs when one of your friends on MySpace constantly changes your position in their topfriends, and you get pissed off. Symptoms include leaving hateful comments and/or messages on their page, moving them around in your top friends, or completely taking them off of your top friends list.
Kyle saw that he was moved to last place on Nikki's top friends list and instantly developed Top Friends Syndrome (TFS). He in turn moved her to last place on her list after bitching about it to everyone he knows.
by kupcayq August 8, 2007
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An affliction where a patient uses "friend zone" unironically.
The patient sees friendships with people of sexual appeal as a failure.

In fact, this is actually a symptom of a number of other hidden problems (failure to meet new people regularly, failure to negotiate sexuality in an upfront way, failure to enjoy the sorts of people one is interested in sleeping with, and so on)
A: "Someone I know isn't giving me sex. I mean, I haven't been upfront, because I fear even polite rejection... But the only thing I want from them is sex, and they're the only person I am going to meet this year. Please, help me get out of the friend zone!"

B: "That's your problem: you've got friend zone syndrome."
by Openly sexual nice guy September 13, 2012
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Affliction of a persons ability to form relationships with members of the opposite sex. Usually involves a person being perpetually placed in the friend zone due to his or her lack of appropriate game or ability to communicate his intentions with a female or male.
John: Hey man whats going on with Jamie?
Geoff: Man it sucks. She says im just her friend!
John: Dang man again? You got Friends Zone Syndrome Hard.
by TLPeeze December 9, 2008
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The negative sensation one encounters upon discovering their Facebook friend numbers dropping.
Another one? Friend Drop Syndrome.
by JoeNJ2 October 27, 2011
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A disease that your best friend inflicts upon you when you have not seen them for at least six months. Symptoms including crying and nagging of your best friend. The only known cure for this disease is for the affected patient to see their best friend. In severe, cases, if left untreated the disease can lead to fighting among best friends.
Dude, I haven't seen my best friend in months! I'm gonna get best friend withdrawal syndrome!
by ballet12 March 28, 2011
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A growing epidemic that causes males to believe they have been "friend zoned" by girls they are acquainted with, yet they have never approached the girl in a manner of creating a sexual or emotional relationship. The disease stems from a lack of confidence in oneself, thus causing one to create the social construct of "friend zoning" to cope with their feeling of inferiority and lack of ability to ask a girl how she truly feels.
Infected: "Dude I totally got friend zoned the other day. It sucks so hard. Ughh forever alone."
Friend: "Sorry to hear she rejected you..."
Infected: "She didn't I just know she doesn't want me."
Friend: "Oh god...get away! What are you?!"
Epidemiologist: "Yes a perfect example of False Friend Zone Syndrome (FFZS)."
by Jimmithy Jimmers January 19, 2012
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