the act of freaking out when a joke is made about your girlfriend and leaving your friends in the middle of the night because you can not control your feelings
"Dude the biggest Cullen-freakout happened yesterday. He got pissed about his girlfriend and had his dad pick him up ay 4 oclock in the morning."
by LouisvilleKY502 January 4, 2012
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1. A song by The Reverend Horton Heat.

2. A "freakout" or crazy song of the psychobilly genre.

3. A deranged hillbilly on a drug trip.

2. "Psychobilly freakout is an insane song, man.."

3. "They had to put *insert name here* in the mental institution the other day. He had a Psychobilly Freakout!!"
by Chris9283 August 26, 2007
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the act of having a freakout equal to that of a person freaking out because he just found out BK no longer serves the whopper!
You find out someone gives away your BBQ ribs, you freak out and begin to scream and cuss and fight people...and your friend tells you the next day that you had a real whopper freakout last night
by Kale Butler April 10, 2008
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When a MALE movie/tv/book/comic/music/etc. fan meets his favorite actor/ director/ author/ musician/ etc. and begins to panic like a small girl when she meets her favorite actor/ director/ author/ musician/etc. , which is to say that he begins screaming/ jumping around/ panicing/ hyperventalating/ crying or any other form of "freaking out"
Hugh Jackman: Hey there, mate. How would you like an autograph?
*passes out*
Fanboy's friend: Please excuse my friend for his Fanboy Freakout.
by Nick Obsuth February 23, 2009
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1. The state of panic when facebook lags in the middle of a very important IM conversation
2. The rush of adrenaline you get when you log on to an unusually large amount of notifications
1. What the hell!? I'm having a Facebook Freakout right now! John just IM'd me and FB won't let me reply!!JK@!U*#HEUIBD
by HK62494 December 13, 2010
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The insuing lunacy one feels after drinking two Four Lokos and smoking two bowls of marijuana.
Susan: Brad why did you try to present your penis to me last night?
Brad: Sorry Susan, but I was in the middle of a Four Freakout, I couldn't control myself.
by jedimasterholt November 13, 2010
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A deliberate Freakout is planned. When life gets to be too much, you plan to cut loose and get wild, most often with a friend. Those who choose to participate know that things could get out of hand.
My mom has been sick lately and I can't deal with so my friend, Ben and I are planning a deliberate freakout next weekend. It's gonna get wild!
by Weird Gonzo June 21, 2022
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