Basically a flip-flop connected to a platform that resembles four sponges stacked on top of each other. A tacky shoe worn by girls with no style.
Did you see that girl with the foamies on?
Did you burn your foamies yet?
by ahwhocares July 28, 2004
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A Foamie is a homie who drinks foam but not the actual beer.
Sandeep is a Foamie since he only drinks the foam portion of the beer.
by ElGuapofromDalyCity May 4, 2017
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refers to the web's greatest anti-hero: Captain Foamy. The dog-punching, soup-loving, sodomite, super-hero voice of a generation gone mad.

Foamy's super powers include: having the ability to fuck anyone (no matter how old or ugly), running 20% faster than you, being able to find and punch dogs, making people explode through the process of butt sex, and having no remorse.
Captain Foamy is here; sodomy is a bi-product.
by Dock Ellis January 5, 2005
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a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal moonbat.
as soon as someone dares to criticize global warming, all the foamies come out of the woodwork.

by hooksaw October 17, 2007
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A over-rated animated squirrel. That has a very annoying high pitched voice. That homour belongs in a Blog of rants, not in flash.
by PsychoJester January 29, 2005
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High pitched, God-awful, sqirrel-like creation of sell-out flash artist Illwillpress. Stars in countless tween-fest movies consisting of him ranting endlessly about the Atkins diet. Very popular on Newgrounds, largely due to the fact that the constant use of the word "fuck" rallies countless Pre-pubes and Emos to vote 5.
by Chloe O'Brian April 25, 2005
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A slang term for a homosexual experience between two or more men, using bicarbonate of soda and vinger as well as other bodily secretions.
Did you see that cute guy over there? I'd get foamy with him any day!
by The mad monk of monkton April 30, 2011
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