is a website where any user may view shockwave games and animations.
Registered users may write reviews based on Sound, graphics, overall...etc, on a
1-10, the review also includes a comment. Registered users may also submit flash videos.
Flash Videos rated below 1 for too long are blammed (also see: blam), Highly Viewed Movies may get spotlights, newgrounds also features free music, sound effects, tutorial and 'The Newgrounds Pre-loader'. Users may submit their own content (including sounds and music) but the content must be their work, and not stolen.
Registered users may write reviews based on Sound, graphics, overall...etc, on a
1-10, the review also includes a comment. Registered users may also submit flash videos.
Flash Videos rated below 1 for too long are blammed (also see: blam), Highly Viewed Movies may get spotlights, newgrounds also features free music, sound effects, tutorial and 'The Newgrounds Pre-loader'. Users may submit their own content (including sounds and music) but the content must be their work, and not stolen.
by BObo D. HObo July 26, 2004