"FDP" is an italian popular expression to define a motherfucker. Italians also are used to call this "Lorenzo Taddei" or "Nutria".
Yestreday I saw a FDP walking down the street.

My friend tricked me! He's a nutria/Lorenzo Taddei!
by Urban Philosopher 99 April 10, 2017
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FDP is a word you use for a girl who have a Fishy DIrty Pussy. Fishy Dirty Pussy
by rilwizzy October 6, 2012
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Full Defensive Pact
Used in online games when clan / party / guild have made pact to help each others when needed.
Our guild have FDP with guild XXX.
by nrautava May 27, 2008
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When one brother plays for another brother in a big tourny like GGL. So that they both make the final.
brim and skipper FDP 1111111111111111
by GG_FDP_11 December 2, 2004
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Girl 1: "Hey girl, so Brad sent me a pic of his dick last night. It was fat as shit!"
Girl 2: "lol. So you are now a proud owner of a FDP"
Girl 1: "FDP?"
Girl 2: "Fat Dick Pic"
Girl 1: "Yessss, FDP!"

Girl1: "So did you see Devins FDP on IG before it got deleted?
Girl 2: "OMG! It was thicker than a soda can!"
by Shanefm October 23, 2018
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A common expression used by many brazilian players in all MMORPGs across the web. If you hear it during a conversation, it usually means your interlocutor is an asshole.

The acronym itself stands for "filho da puta" in portuguese, which means "son of a bitch". Similar to soab.
<Tibia Player 1> my respawn fdp!!1
<Tibia Player 1> vsf fdp
by Mithyus October 8, 2006
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One who plays TFT and not league.
Théo est un fdp il aime tft mais ne joue pas à lol.
by lidllover June 16, 2020
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