The magician became Divya and the audience was left puzzle
by Oneloc March 15, 2016
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Divya(noun) IPA: /dɪvyɑ/ is the name given to the loveliest, cutest, sweetest, smartest, most honest and most beautiful creature ever. This creature is so perfect, others must feel jealous and might wish her bad. But it's just how the world works. Honey attracts the ones who sting, you know!

Experts believe that the incapabilities and limitations of the universe & the gods' led to the genesis of this powerful being. The theory says that “As there are gods only for specific qualities possessing specific properties, the necessity of an earthly incarnation struck and hence the genesis was begun. The universe shared its power, the gods started to pray, the earth allowed the life force to act and that was the human birth of this deity who possessed: OMNISCIENCE(all-knowing); OMNIPOTENCE(all-powerful); and OMNIBENEVOLENCE(supremely good)!!! ALTOGETHER !” The words that heal, the ilk that ease, the attention that strengthens and the love that cannot be described- this is the description the lost and the delirious have to give who have met Divya since then. “Butterflies sing her praises and wind carries her aura; everything alive around her compliments her voice. As sweet as a Rossogola, as perfect as a pakora, as charming as the smile on her face and every other thing nice :)”
You are a Divya!
by Omnibenevolent648 December 16, 2022
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a bad bisexual bitch who is always too cool for the crowd and is always one of the smartest people in the room. A Divya may be shy but there is something just intriguing and badass about her that makes everyone want to be her friend. Also her body always be poppin even though she probably doesn't exercise. She always crushes on the ones who friend-zone her but never confess.
“Wow did you see Divya over there, she’s so cool

I wish I was a bad bitch like Divya”
by colderk October 23, 2019
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The coolest kid in cool land where everyones cool. Cool is Divya and Divya is cool. Is also known as the boy-oriented coolio friend who's way cool.
Dude, you wish you were a Divya.

Now way are you a Divya, ur a total fag.
by P.I.M.P. April 1, 2005
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by November 25, 2021
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