Huge wheels or rims on a very nice whip.
check out the deep dish on that black rover, those are some big shoes.
by Jay Ryder May 1, 2008
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insult used for an abnormally fat girl, seriously degrading
Hey deep dish, give me some pizza before you eat it all.
by hurricanesraaaaaaape July 9, 2006
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Inconceivably awesome. Something that is deep dish is so badass and cool that it's difficult to understand how it can even exist.
Steve's new motorcycle is seriously deep dish! It's the fastest thing on two wheels.
by stevec May 5, 2006
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A promiscuous woman's vagina that is like a deep dish pizza. Her pussy is so deep that no matter how big a male's phallus is, it will never be enough to satisfy her. You will probably need a two by four to avoid not falling in.
Girl: "idk who told yall 9in was a big dick, cause it's not"

Guy: "We got miss deep dish pussy over here"
by DaTruDefinition August 2, 2020
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A very thick pizza, with a lot of cheese and tomato sauce, with your choice of meats and vegetables, it has a thick style crust mostly like a Pie! Hence the phrase pizza pie!! It's normally eaten with a fork, and on average takes about 45 minutes to bake!!
Lets go into chicago and get a Large Pepperoni Deep Dish Pizza!
by Kevin aka K-Wang February 11, 2008
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Deep-Dish-Dickin is when you are a brotha (black man), and you are with a beautiful black woman. During your time together you perform intercourse (makin sweet love), and give her long hard strokes deep inside.

The feelings are enjoyable for both parties, and provide a great time for those involved.
Hey, my girl texted me for some netflix n chill, sounds like she wants some Deep-Dish-Dickin.
by Brittany4lyfe August 24, 2017
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