An average singer who will probably win season 7 of American Idol because of his personality and popularity with American teenage girls.
David Cook has more talent than David Archuleta, therefore he should win. However, he won't, as the show is a popularity contest rather than a talent contest.
by amazingmonkey March 28, 2008
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Runner up in American Idol season 7. His fanbase is exclusively made up of teenagers. Although he can only sing ballads he made it to the top while so many others with a lot more talent than him were thrown out. Archuletard's altime favorite word is "gosh" the second being "thankyou." He usually combines them when speaking to Paula Abdul after she says she's going to murder him and hang his head in her car.
-Paula Abdul: I want ti squish you, squish your head off and dangle you from my rearview mirror.
-David Archuleta: Thankyou gosh! (laughs stupidly)
by LilyBlack May 25, 2008
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Lucky kid who girls seem to think is the greatest just because he looks like a penguin-monkey, is shy and because he can sing ballad after ballad endlessly until death warms over. He is also an object of both pure hatred and mindless love (ugh).
Why the fuck is David Archuleta liked so much? Am I even alive? What is the purpose of life? Can I die now?
by JobesJeebs May 27, 2008
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