Bob: Coo coo!
Bill: Coo coo!
Bob: That must be Bill. It's coming from that forest. *heads to the forest*
Bill: Coo coo!
Bob: That must be Bill. It's coming from that forest. *heads to the forest*
by TwoTabsOfFuckitol October 17, 2014
Another word for vagina
by PullUpInTheSriLanka January 20, 2022
Another frase for "it's okay" or "it's cool". Means everything is fine but actually I'm pissed the fuck off and you need to figure out why I'm mad.
by Yo favorite girl December 20, 2016
by Coo Coo Coo Coo April 22, 2020
A slightly shortened version of "cool"
used by only the cooest people, coo is the best way to describe something that is completely awesome.
used by only the cooest people, coo is the best way to describe something that is completely awesome.
by cooest XD July 11, 2010
by Excelide August 20, 2019
A shortened more lazy version of the word "cool". Used when it takes too much effort to pronounce the "l".
by Sylvia April 27, 2004