A company that spends all its money on advertising and thus has none left over for customer service.

Also see monopoly
Hey, keep that frustrated customer on hold while we finish our latest 'Comcast Triple Play' ad.
by Degu July 11, 2008
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A company that will steal your money, and live you homeless.
Comcast bill "Your remaining balance is 200$"
Customer " Wow this guys are crazy"
by Tight_pussy January 11, 2014
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Exclamation. Used to express disdain, frustration, and general malaise with emphasis.
1. Comcast! I ran over my mailbox.
2. That was the most comcasting awful movie I've ever seen.
by Comcaster May 21, 2013
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A piece of shit that won't let me play league of legends without using a 9 foot dildo to fuck me in the asshole. While i play i will disconnect 9 times and in between those times I will be anally fucked in the ass by comcast so deep to where the head of comcasts dick will come out my mouth.
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When playing an Online game, you have sudden bursts of lag, or are randomly disconnected. Usually when something awesome is about to happen, or when others are relying on you.
1. "Why didn't you heal the tanks?" - "Oh, I got comcasted."
2. "Sorry I shot you, I was being Comcasted."
3. "Why didn't you complete the mission?!" - "Meh, I got comcasted again."
by SRTunak April 4, 2010
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One of the few companies today that manage to combine terrible cable services with equally dreadful internet connection, topped off with high prices and increasingly bad commercials that contradict all of the above.

The initial benefits of Comcast wear off quickly. The seemingly useful TV Guide menu is pointless when the shows they display are incorrect. Plus, you can just go the TV Guide website, channel, or magazine. OnDemand doesn't even work. So it's not really "on demand", at all. Most of the shows on it either sucks or you have to pay for it, which doesn't make sense considering there's websites that broadcast all of your favorite shows for free. The HD channels rarely work either. So this is what I'm paying seventy dollars a month for...
Person A: What kind of cable do you have?
Person B: Comcast. It sucks.
Person A: Really? At least you have OnDemand.
Person B: Yeah... every few days I do.
by girloncomputer March 19, 2009
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The fucking shittiest service known to man. Fuck this fucking cock ass nigger shit. They wont even connect. This thing wont even fucking connect. I've been trying to play League of Legends for 2 hours and my friends have already played two games and they won and they're gunna stop playing and imuna have to to go read a book or something. FUUUKKKKKKK.
My Friends: dude that game last night was awesome.
My Friends: Oh you have comcast dont you
by super fucking pissed off February 21, 2013
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