A slang term for the Korean language.

The name 'Yogi Chogi' identifies the Korean language by the way it sounds to a Westerner.

'Yogi Chogi' is also the official language of Pokemon and friends
Student: Yogi chogi, yogi chogi, hambooger deyyyy!

Teacher: You know the rules! No Speaking 'Yogi Chogi' in my class. English only!

Student: OK Mr.Teacher, I so sorry, me no speak yogi chogi
by sunshiyong October 20, 2010
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Burning shoes chogie is the unwanted chinese son of God who now resides as the managing director of the infinitely huge "DAS:shop". He also has a pair of burning shoes which he uses to travel at great speeds
Don't do that or the burning shoes chogie will get you
by Alex Gray January 20, 2005
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