A different word for a lesbian slut, but a nicer way of saying it. It could also mean to whore around with both male and female.
Wow Hanna is such a cheeb, she hooked up with Ron and Ally at the party last night.
by annnonomouse December 12, 2010
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1. An endearing term for a chubby girl who ranges from slightly plump to "OH HOLY GOD, ITS CHINS HAVE CHINS".

2. Body fat.

3. Slang for marijuana.

4. A lazy person.

5. Mispronunciation of the word "Cheese"
1. "Boy, she is pretty good Looking for a Cheeb."

2. "No matter what I do I can't burn off any of this Cheeb!"

3. "Gimme a moment, I gotta finish rolling this Cheeb."

4. "Get off your ass you lazy Cheeb."

5. "Care for some Swiss Cheebs?"
by Baekara September 10, 2010
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"where's all the cheebs @ mofos"
by ThomasPenman November 29, 2004
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smoke'ins, weed, herbs, chronic,green,
if you got , cheeb, you probably smoke reefer, and gotta blunt to wrap em w/
by odiouscapone December 7, 2003
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Short for "Cheers Babes"

An alternative to saying "Cheers" when drinking or making a toast.

Also a way of saying thank you, goodbye or acknowledging awesomeness.

Best spoken with a fine glass of goon in hand
1. "Next round is on me!"

2. "Wow you look great"

3. "So glad it's Friday"
"Me too, Cheebs!"
by drbeck April 29, 2010
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Short for cheeba which stands for Marijuana
Damn, that was some good cheeb last night!
by La Dinglyy October 11, 2007
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it when you go macdons and get cheeseburg, yes?
what do you want brother.

I require ₵ⱧɆɆ฿ brother

ok then I will go to macdons and get cheebburger
by biggycheeb June 4, 2019
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