A very photogenic person who loves her friends bedcause they are so amazing and they are irreplacable, she could never ask for more betterer friends. Bushra is inspirational person with instagram post of happenis.
"Am bushra"
by Bushra <3 December 6, 2019
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noun: A type of girl who is meant to be married to a 4 year younger boy as he is only the finest guy for her. She could be elder in the terms of age but she looks too cute to look that much elder.
A. If you are Bushra, you must marry Shoaban as he is eligible for you.

B. Bushra: "I'm and adult" Bartender: " you look so young, no wine for you"
by Samyie412 April 1, 2021
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The term generally used to describe an over dressed, excessive makeup, south Asian young female with a slightly ignorant persona. They are usually found within the Bradford district.
Let's not sit on floor 1 it's full of Bushras
by Cesaro November 18, 2015
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A sexy flirty person who is funny and awesome she has on point boobs and booty. And the most beautiful person you've ever seen u will never meet a person like her.And she has a great ass.
Your so bushra
by sexy flirty girl September 30, 2015
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Someone who is short in stature.

Someone who is not tall
She is Bushra.
by Wassup09 July 11, 2009
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a basic asian girl who is probably from Bradford who enjoys spending her time in the BD4 Shisha lounges.
boy 1: ayo Ali, did u see bushra through it back like that

boy 2: yh g she's lucky her aboo didnt catch her
by mindurbusinesshoe November 5, 2018
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Bushra is an amazing, loving and a kind girl once you get to know her.She has a amazing personality and a great sense of humour but never get on her bad side.She has a great group of friends by her side but if you mess with her bestfriend you'll never hear the end of it.
Boy:Is that Bushra?
Boy 2:Yeah I'm going to go bully her bestfriend.
Boy1:umm I don't think Bushra will go easy on you!
Boy 2:Yeah I think I'll stay here
by Bushra<3 November 24, 2021
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