AKA: A terrible letdown for Twilight Fans everywhere in which everything becomes incredibly far-fetched, disturbing,confusing and totally different than the rest of the books with an unsatisfying ending.

The majority of the book consists of Bella feeling sorry for herself and everyone else kissing her ass.

Does anyone else feel like Jacob really got the shitty end of the stick?

WTF Stephanie?!?!?!?!
Ohhh poor me, Edward and Jacob both love me and treat me way better than I deserve and I keep walking all over them both! I have such a tough life!
Bella Swan, after she turns into an egotistical, selfish bitch in Breaking Dawn.
by BreakingDawn/Down October 4, 2009
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Will henceforth be known as "Breaking FAIL, "EPIC FAIL", or "FAILBOAT EPIC".
The final instalment in the bewilderingly popular Twilight saga about Mary Sue and Gary Stu and their sparkly love of doom.
So bad, it warranted book-returning petitions.
That Breaking Dawn book made my brain hurt.
by babsuvulawho August 27, 2008
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The fourth and final installment of the widely popular Twilight series. Though highly anticipated, it is considered to be a disappointment to most fans of the series. It has been largely criticized for its illogical and often dull plot and for straying from the original style of the books.
I can't believe this book is actually the Breaking Dawn we were waiting for.
by wandlessxxmagic August 4, 2008
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1. The final installment of the 'Twilight' saga by Stephenie Meyer.

2. Bad fanfiction.

3. The biggest let down. Ever.
Girl: Dude, he dumped me! I feel so let down.
Friend: That is such a Breaking Dawn.
by Kayttt August 5, 2008
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1.Breaking Dawn, the last book of the very popular Twilight saga, which the twilighters have been so excited to read. The book is a horiible fanfiction. It sucked, and it strayed from the opther books, that actually made sense.

2.A thing to burn after reading.

3.A book of pedowolves, a whiny girl who can't stop crying, and the magnificent burning vampire
Fan #1: Hey, what are you reading?
Fan #2: Breaking Dawn.
Fan#1: You suck.
by JeshikaHatake June 28, 2009
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A much anticipated book by very talented author Stephanie Meyer...which turned out to be a horrible fanfiction-like pile of crap
"Breaking Dawn = Epic Fail"

Person A: I don't know whether to cry, burn it, or return it

Person B: Yeah, I think part of me just died

Me: WTF Stephanie Meyer?!
by KacieW August 7, 2008
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Breaking Dawn was a good book as a separate novel, but was horrid as the ending to the Twilight Saga.
by The Lincoln August 8, 2008
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