Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch (occasionally referred to as Ben, Benny, Benny C, etc.) is a beautiful man who may not even be a man. His eyes are impossible to describe and his hair is constantly changing due to his many, many roles in the constant stream of films he's been in. The most popular of these are The Hobbit, Sherlock, The Imitation Game, The Fifth Estate, Star Trek Into Darkness, Parade's End, War Horse, and many, many more. He's won 17 awards and has been nominated for 29, proving that he is actually the greatest man there ever existed.

Though some would view him as nothing more than a terrifying looking alien creature thing, others would object. Strongly. Don't ever say anything bad about him in the presence of a cumberbitch or cumbercookie (A Cumberbatch fan) as this may cause death.
Cumberbitch: Benedict Cumberbatch is so freaking beautiful I love him so much omg look at his cumberbooty and did you see him at the oscars when he did the cumberbomb ?????!
by cumbercookie September 9, 2014
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Possibly the most attractive man currently alive on this planet. Benedict, (often referred to be fangirls as Ben, Benny, Benny-boo, or Bene-dick), is most commonly known for playing the role of Sherlock Holmes in the BBC television show, Sherlock. He has also starred in Star Trek into Darkness, War Horse, The Fifth Estate, and Hawking. He has a large fanbase across the world, known as either, The Cumbercollective, The Cumbercookies, or more commonly, The Cumberbitches. Be careful when meeting Benedict, as where he goes, the fangirls always follow.
Person: So I was watching that show on BBC one last night, you know, Sherlock?
Cumberbitch: S..s..Sherlock? SheRLOCK?? SHERLOCK???!!??? WITH BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH?? *proceeds to flail about aimlessly on the floor*
by Articulate Cumberbitch February 17, 2014
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Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch is known for his alien beauty and gorgeous cheekbones. He is a marvelous, beautiful actor, mostly known for his role as 'Sherlock Holmes' in BBC's Sherlock.

Benedict Cumberbatch also stars in movies such as The Fifth Estate, Star Trek Into Darkness, August:Osage County, The Imitation Game, The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug and Third Star. Just to name a few.

His astounding, breath taking, spectacular, stunning face, body and personality has raised the expectation of men in teenage fangirls worldwide.

His fanbase is known as Cumberbitches.
Person 1:
Have you seen Sherlock?
Person 2:
The one with Benedict Cumberbatch?
Person 1:
Yeah, that one.
Person 2:
I love it!
by ShannonHerondale February 15, 2014
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The most beautiful, melodious, and sonorous sound known to man. Also see "otter call" and "Butterscotch Crumplesnack's laugh."
An unfortunate accident involving Benedict Cumberbatch's laugh in a BBC interview yesterday caused over 1.6 million fangirls to be hospitalized for heart attacks or bizarre Apnea incidents.
by A Proper Genius April 22, 2016
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a severe addiction to Benedict Cumberbatch, it IS dangerous!!!!
symptoms include:
covering your laptop with sherlock propaganda, laughing hysterically every time something reminds them of Mr Cumberbatch, watching sherlock, seeing every movie that may contain but a mere glimpse of their hero.
by Benedict Cumberbatch's mom February 25, 2014
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Large compound noun with the following meanings :
Benedict : Bened/dict : Bend your dick
Cumberbatch : Cum/er/batch : Cum in her batch
Benedict Cumberbatch then means Bend your dick, cum in her batch.
To make your girlfriend (even if you don't have one because you're probably lonely searching here) pregnant, Benedict Cumberbatch.
by Tyouking January 19, 2019
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A very very handsome british men,that's also known for playing famouse roles Like Sherlock or Dr. Strange.
Person 1: Hii do you know Benedict Cumberbatch?
Me: oh you mean my beautiful,loving, british,Person with the best Name,husband?
Person 1: yeah....I'm not gonna ask again
by Benedict's Cumberbitch June 30, 2020
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