acronymn for "Butt Nut Space"; the space between your butt and your nuts.
"Kiss my BNS!!"
by Acht2 July 24, 2009
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BNS, acronym for 'Big Nigga Syndrome'. BNS is when you sweat for no reason, without making any movement or anything.
Friend 1 - "Dude, why did you play basketball before the wedding?"

Friend 2 - "Bro I didn't play today, I think I have BNS again
by El Tipo Bacano December 29, 2011
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BN is an abbreviation for the term "bitch-nigga"
People may use this in work or school so people dont know what you're truly calling them
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know we had some BN's in here
by Bigdaddyflannel June 26, 2019
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Abbreviation for "big nigga season". This is the winter, when it's cold with little exercise and lots of food.
Person 1: "Damn, why everyone so big?"
Person 2: "Chill homie, it's bns"
by YaBoiTroy February 11, 2017
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Boat Nigger - an employee who crews, cleans and maintains a racing yacht.
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BN AKA BottleNeck is a CSGOD.
A famous quote by the legend himself describes exactly how he obtained the name.
"I used to bottleneck my team on CS so I called myself BN. But now my team bottlenecks me".
Name a CSGO GOD? Alrighty, BN.
by Douglxs March 21, 2019
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txt language for "being' or "been" as b.n. even sounds like 'been' or "be'n"
dude: wtf how can ppl think bn = 'bitch nigga' dats fukdup
dudess: yea ino we bn txtn 4longa dan doz mudafukaz hu use prediktxt!
by lozory May 19, 2008
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