The year of the Internet or AI. For all intents and purposes the advent of the Internet as we know it started in 1995. It's not about when technology was invented or when a couple of hundred servers existed, but when the population at large started hearing about it and a lot of us started using it. 1995 is 1 AI.
In 1 Anno Internetum (AI) about 10,000 servers were brought on-line. 2010 is 16 Anno Internetum (AI).
by utc June 22, 2010
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Prior to Anno Trumpini, MAGA hats were innocuous political swag. Now they represent a wave of ignorance and bigotry that has been normalized under the guise of “political alignment.”
by susan munster August 31, 2020
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the annoe is an intelligent breed. they have many cults. maybe even a cult of moose! she likes cheese and random musicals, weird shows with monsters and vibbing to wii music.
hello the annoe, want some cheese:?
by Funtimesareherr September 18, 2020
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