An Anes is one of the best looking people you will meet in your life.

He is also the most precious and good-hearted creature alive.

He does anything to make his girlfriend happy which is not even necessary, cause she can consider herself one of the happiest girls ever, being together with him.

Anes is also a veeeeery lazy person who only lays on the couch, eat snacks and plays fortnite (will also forget texting his girlfriend back because of it).

He loves pizza, burek, grah (without meat) and kebab.

He hates when people touch their noses.

Anes has veeeeery soft hair and is also a good kisser.

Anes is an intelligent guy, but i think he doesnt even know how smart he actually is.
He has the best friends (which he calls his squad) who he is very loyal to, and otherwise.

So if you know or ever meet an Anes, you can call yourself happy.
Not to forget, Anes is one of the funniest and outgoing people I know. You will always have something to laugh when you are out with an Anes.
by schokolini January 7, 2019
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making something better with pure Awesomeness & Cunning in a fantastical magical god like manner , without hurting any small animals ...too much...
It wasn't quite right so I did some Aning
by Laid Back Luke July 8, 2013
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The best type of person to hang out with and talk to.
I need an anelis in my life.
by Dude juice August 23, 2018
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Anelys, is an intelligent person with a great personality. She is a bit shy with those who she doesn't know fully, but is also the life of a party. She has a great body and is an amazing friend. She is like a psychologist. She has tons of friends and not just because of the awesome bod ;)
"Anelys is so great giving tips, and is so beautiful"

"Anelys is awesome, let's go hang with her!"
by urSWEETcookie November 9, 2019
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Ane is ann girl u want and need in your life, she is good to everyone and your lucky if u have an ane in your life
by den fine gutten July 12, 2021
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Acute Nema Syndrome: A temporary condition by which a person experiences a series of awkard, uncomfortable, or, for lack of a better word "nema" type events. Although trivial and even comical in most cases, an enduring case of ANS can result in permanent mental and physical damage which can lead to "nema" like behaviour and appearance.
Did you see his red womens ski jacket?

Yea dude its so ANS.
by Hildalover32 January 30, 2009
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They were married for 30 years when she told him no more sex. He is now looking for ANS relationship to go along with his open marriage.
by tripple_ March 9, 2015
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