Yo' bitch, when's yo' burf-day
by T DePuy September 30, 2005
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The act of expelling an exceptionally acrid and heavy fart that feels hot in temperature, making only a slight "bfffff" sound as the bitter fumes leaves the anal cavity. Much more deadly and bitter than the average silent fart.
"Honey, you won't want to sit next me right now. This roasted garlic is making me burf."

"Sam was pissed because I burfed in his cube."

"My wife practically passed out from the burf I just left in the car."
by Pdubs August 27, 2007
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Something to say when you don't know what else to say but want to say a word. Expresses general discontent or simply slight boredom.
*stares at Facebook for five minutes*


*goes and makes a sandwich
by Mcmindster September 23, 2011
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A disgusting and nauseating fart, usually consisting of egg-like odors with a hint of shit. Always silent, but deadly.
by Nuclearbagel January 11, 2010
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Combination burp and barf. When you feel a burp coming on and try to help it along but when it comes, so does a little barf.
That guy tried to burp in his girlfriend's face but he ended up burfing on her instead.
by sweetsterv June 9, 2009
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According to my 3 yr old daughter, who came up with this word, it is what happens when you burp and barf a little at the same time.
When George gave me that come hither look, I burfed in my mouth.
by carriemomof3 March 2, 2010
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when someone burps and then right after barfs all over the floor, or friends face and/or spits a mento out in between barfing period.
He Burfed all over the auto shop!
by colton3227 December 7, 2010
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