Fuck Them Folks
This expression, FTF, is best used in a work environment or an area where one does not normally use cuss words, but still wants to express his/her disgust over a poor business decision someone has made. This expression is also highly effective when one experiences minor annoyances like: Perhaps a restaurant gave you poor service? Well...FTF. Or maybe someone cut you off in traffic? FTF. Maybe a coworker intentionally got you in trouble for something you didn't do? FTF.
Hot Karen from upstairs who just started a month ago: "I was just given a promotion to be your boss!"
Kevin who worked his ass off for that promotion: "FTF!"
Hot Karen from upstairs who just started a month ago: "Huh? What does that mean?"
by Cr1m1nalxInt3nt May 3, 2019
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stands for "fuck the finals"

started at georgia state university as a small mixer one semester then grew into somthing crazy almost zoo like...at the end of each semester pple are in the FTF mindset...and there is a semi-annual event in atlanta called FTF for students who completed a semester....it went from a small to mixer to fantasy like bash/celebrating hosted my various sociallites
Tito: I got 2 more tests left...FTF

Abiel: After your finals are you going to FTF?

Jamal: Ofcourse FTF!!!
by Frank Nino February 11, 2011
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"I didn't love her but we were totally FTF's."

"I knew the lunch lady and I were going to be FTF's when she gave me the extra tater tots."

How to use FTF on special occasions:
"Happy Valentines Day! Would you be my FTF?

"Sorry, I can't say I love you... We're only FTF's."
by YourFTF February 14, 2009
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stand for, "For The Fail", which is the complete opposite of FTW
Dude, that english paper i wrote...FTF.
by lawltastic May 13, 2009
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"I was going to mow the lawn, but FTFS."

"Cooking sounds like a terrible idea. FTFS, let's go to Taco Bell."
by Scuda Hindy March 15, 2009
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fail to feed. When a firearm fails to properly chamber (for many reasons) a round from magazine or clip. Generally referred to in relation to semi or full auto firearms.
question) why does my kel-tec always ftf?
answer) because kel-tec firearms suck the donkey dick.
by TheBlueMeanie January 7, 2009
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