similar to april fools, january jokes is where you get to joke around with your friends, but thry cant get mad because it's january jokes
*plays a prank on a friend*
dude wtf

”its january jokes bro”
by daybear January 28, 2023
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country people saying issa joke

a typo for issa joke
Hahaha ice a joke
by presley 123 June 18, 2017
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When an initially hilarious joke is overused to the point where no one laughs at it anymore and instead gives an eye roll. Facts.
Karen: Why is six afraid of seven?
Crowd: *Eye roll* We’ve heard that joke 72 times in the past hour. Stop killing us with your joke fatigue.
by GucciBooti November 28, 2020
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An offensive dark joke that usually pertains to race or sexism.
Guy one: "If woman are just as strong as men then why do they keep getting raped?"
Guy two: "That's such a nate joke."
by Cletus will conquer all December 24, 2017
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A mom joke is a joke, typically detailed and personal, which highlights the relatable and often hilarious experiences of motherhood.

While the exact origin of the term mom joke is unknown, these jokes have been told since the beginning of time when moms realized they had to laugh through the everyday struggles of parenthood or they may just cry.
"Cheryl told a hilarious mom joke at playgroup, acting out how to drop her sleeping baby into a pack-and-play."
by Cmuehlbe October 10, 2023
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Not to be confused with the classic “yo mama jokes”. Mom jokes are inferior to the OG dad jokes. They don’t have to be funny, but they must be lame. Typically, it’s the kind of joke that you would laugh at after a hefty amount of wine and/or stress induced tears.
Mom: “Did you hear the horse and the pig are dating? They’re in a stable relationship.”

Son: “Omg, that is one of the worst mom jokes I’ve ever heard!”
by Thicky_Smalls October 27, 2021
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