Used by dispatchers when their couriers are tending to the "other needs" of recipients of goods... perhaps in exchange for Pizza.
Courier: "I am being, umm, err, delayed by a customer"
Dispatch: "OK - I will book you code pink for 20"
by Sponge34 March 20, 2017
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When there is an attractive passed out female in the area
We have a Code Pink in the building
by Barbatrapp February 13, 2018
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a code green is when you are in a public setting and you find leftover kush from previous endeavors
Friend A: " There's a Code Green on my Jacket"

Friend B: " Fuck, abort mission"
by nerryolokush November 15, 2016
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used to discreetly describe autism in a cool way
"I saw this TikTok that accurately described me and then I looked at the #autism tag. I guess I am kinda a-coded."
by shaneichi June 26, 2023
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Atrociously written code that is only used or kept around because other code or systems rely on it.
Person A: Work today was rough. Someone threw together a program last week that takes minutes to organize files and we were told to use it.
Person B: Are you not allowed to change it?
Person A: Nope; it's fortress code at this point. Our boss replaced the computer's file manager with the program, and any change made to it would brick the computer.
by ChameleonDragon September 12, 2021
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Yong Zhi: "Wow today's moon seems a bit AYQ morse code"
by Shang abi November 23, 2021
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To be more than 5 minutes late to your scheduled shift.
by b123m December 21, 2018
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