Used by dispatchers when their couriers are tending to the "other needs" of recipients of goods... perhaps in exchange for Pizza.
Courier: "I am being, umm, err, delayed by a customer"
Dispatch: "OK - I will book you code pink for 20"
by Sponge34 March 20, 2017
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When there is an attractive passed out female in the area
We have a Code Pink in the building
by Barbatrapp February 13, 2018
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a code green is when you are in a public setting and you find leftover kush from previous endeavors
Friend A: " There's a Code Green on my Jacket"

Friend B: " Fuck, abort mission"
by nerryolokush November 15, 2016
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used to discreetly describe autism in a cool way
"I saw this TikTok that accurately described me and then I looked at the #autism tag. I guess I am kinda a-coded."
by shaneichi June 26, 2023
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Atrociously written code that is only used or kept around because other code or systems rely on it.
Person A: Work today was rough. Someone threw together a program last week that takes minutes to organize files and we were told to use it.
Person B: Are you not allowed to change it?
Person A: Nope; it's fortress code at this point. Our boss replaced the computer's file manager with the program, and any change made to it would brick the computer.
by ChameleonDragon September 12, 2021
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A dress code is an authoritarian rule often enforced by, mostly, schools. Often supported by the two party elite, there is a growing movement(as of 2021) to repeal all dress codes in schools and elsewhere.

Although some religious groups might support these, efforts to introduce or even make dress codes more stricter are often sexist towards females, who make up about half of the libertarian population.
by Libertypedia May 22, 2023
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Blizzy Code Car Jewelry is an effective product placed on vehicles to effectively compete in any market today without an online presence. Whether you are looking to redesign or establish a new brand, Blizzy Code Car Jewelry is a valuable tool for audience engagement and participation. Designed to help get your messages out in a cool unique way. Blizzy Code Car Jewelry is designed and developed to deliver quality work no matter what your budget.
The Blizzy Code Car Jewelry is a potential world-changing proprietary system for a rapid message delivery system. This system is designed for local and global dominance across all platforms.
by Blizzy Code October 21, 2020
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