The greatest shoegaze band to ever exist
Based is the greatest band. If you don't think it is, end your li-
by T1 axtive May 6, 2023
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To be something or someone who hosts the sigma mentality but is not identified as sigma
That’s based he’s based she’s based
by Jimbo-Timlog January 5, 2023
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Based is political slang used as an adjective to describe someone (and sometimes something).

Being based means you know whats really going on in the world today. You're thinking for yourself and are basically the opposite of a libtard or sheep.
"He's so based." -aka- he thinks for himself.

"They aren't a lib, they're based!"
"She's based af!" -aka- she stands up for her beliefs
Someone talks about freedom and independance ..."shit is based"
by RWWinners February 26, 2022
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Based being a racial slur againts all skins.
by FartMonkey101 August 3, 2022
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The opposite of Andy, who is cringe.
Q: Oh my god, did you see how super cringe Andy was today?
A: You're so based, my man, so based.
by wilkiepedia January 20, 2023
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