Advice for someone being bullied by a rich bitch and they're are rich. Lie about your wealth.
"I am being bullied by the rich bitch. what should I do?" Person 1

"When she's around, don't let the truth be of sound." Person 2
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She's amazing. Also used to send the 25 questions which I have no idea about.
Person 1: Eliza is the best class president ever in the whole world I praise the ground she walks on
Eliza: Wow so true here are the 25 questions
by ionlyseemygoals_ September 25, 2023
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Give up there's no point she doesnt like you just fucking give up
"I like her but she doesn't me she likes someone else"
by CODAC22ONTWITCH October 11, 2023
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She believed he didn’t cheat.
by Imurbanru May 8, 2019
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The woman who is responsible for the dirty jokes 'that's what SHE said'. 'The dirty she' has many sexual references related to dirty puns of different sorts. It is categorized as humor and can easily kill a conversation dead. Many people use it as a smart comeback to an argument despite not being relevant at all.
'This is really sticky!' That's what she said
'Oh stop it!' That's what she said
'Wow its huggeee!' That's what she said
by MaTt,E May 23, 2011
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She has large boobs, titties, a large rack. Big enough to perform Shakespeare from
Have you seen Jess, She's got a balcony you could do Shakespeare from.
by Noncebooiiiii October 6, 2023
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A term used to describe the appearance of a less than desirable woman.
"Oi mate you see that bird over there.. she's a bog"
by Madman Opus October 30, 2014
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