The area of the body between the genitals and the anus.

Also known as taint or choda
He made a Texas sized stroke with an average sized member and slammed into her Texas boot strap.
by Jdubv1 October 10, 2020
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You betch-ur-boots is another term for, "you betcha" or most definitely, you can count on it, for sure. Example: "Hey you guys, I'm on my way back from the Bahamas, is it snowing in Chicago?"

"You betch-ur-boots it is Valerie!"
"Betch ur boots" example: Hey you guys, I'm on my way back from the Bahamas, is it snowing in Chicago?"

"You betch-ur-boots it is Valerie!"
by Danielbenjaminiam March 27, 2015
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Getting kicked out, let go, fired. Forced ejection from a group.
Well I worked at CVS until I got given the boot, so now I’m gonna try to be an influencer.
by TimCook May 15, 2021
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Bad type of crack cocaine that tastes like rubber
I got smoke last night off ricky, he got the boot
by Mrpreemo January 25, 2021
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Veilig booten
I'm gonna safe boot my broken mac
by Seradon March 14, 2012
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when an electrical appliance / machine like a photocopier, computer / printer doesn't want to work and in a vain attempt to get the said appliance working, the user will kick (boot) the machine / appliance to try and get it to work
"the photocopier doesn't seem to be working"

"here let me see if I can re-boot it"
by red booter July 30, 2012
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state of you, rotten , ugly
john has a head on him like a skoda boot
by skodaboot January 24, 2020
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