when you run into trouble. usually by police or when noticed stealing something.
OG: so yea bru, me and my homie was bout to hit a lick, but a little woot d woot went on so we just headed back home and somked some bud
by bulletface December 30, 2015
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WOOT! is a cheer. Like YAY, WOOOOO HOOOOOO, or YAHOO. WOOT! is good.
WOOT! how are you?
It's nice to she you. WOOT!
by Doc B June 3, 2005
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A term usually used during sex by the sexual partner who is bored... The other partner says "I love you"
by Selma Dilzer February 11, 2005
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Can be associated with a stupid-ass user at any forum, a :woot: is a person who posts idiotic posts
:woot: makes stupid posts, I think :woot: is stupid, Damn :woot:, your stupid
by John Johnsen June 5, 2007
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It occurs to me that WOOT (as in the Website that calls itself that) stands for We Offer One Thing. They offer one great deal every day starting at midnight. I just thought that made sense!

Of course, it could be that it stands for what of our things (would you like)? Or, would our offers top (this?). Whatever Our Owners Think! It goes on and on.
Woot, WOOT: My vote is it stands for We Offer One Thing!
by abecramb December 1, 2010
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1.) Woot is the expression that stoners to use to signfy that they "got a bag."

2.) Can be used while driving around town to scare pedestrians.

3.) Expression of excitment or great joy- happens quite often while stoned.
I've got some- WOOT!

Balls. WOOT!

WOOT! I'm so stoned! WOOT! WOOT!
by Leah July 2, 2004
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1) Prior to contrary belief, the original meaning stands as an acronym for We Own the Other Team.

2) A modern form of expression.

1) Dave: Dude, 18 snipes, running riot, triple kill?
John: WOOT.

2) Peter: Yo, we both got As on our apush exams!
Emily: Woot!
by P-lev January 31, 2008
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