I wrote that shit. Years before that shitty movie came out. That shit was stolen. Pathetic. You see how inferior to me these piece of shit hollywood writers are? You saw it! You were all here and saw me write that shit. What a fucking hack!
You know that "Bombshell" line from that shitty movie where he says "You're a cliche. You validate everyone the white man thinks about out you"? That's shit was stolen. So was the Joker's speech at the end of the movie. Stolen from a guy that talks about raping whores who fuck retards every day. You motherfuckers are that shit up like crumb cake didn't you? You dumb motherfuckers. Didn't publish the definition though. Why? Because doesn't matter is you love the shit. It's that I'm the one who's saying it. Dumb motherfuckers. I knew that shit was good when I wrote it. I am a goddamn genius. And all of you are idiots.
by Hym Iam December 19, 2020
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Adjective in context of Caucasian people experiencing discrimination as a minority in Asia. A sarcastic term used to connote cultural barriers faced by Caucasian who are stereotyped as being more polite, upscale, wealthy than non Caucasian locals, thus being burdened with living up to false stereotypes.
White man's burden is like a Caucasian being burdened with stereotypes of whiteness, like you are supposed to be rich, polite, and nice like white people seen on TV
by Mactoshmed March 16, 2023
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Basically the White Supremacist version of "With great power comes great responsibility". They think they've gotta "civilise" the rest of the world
"It's tough being a white person, taking over the whole of Africa is difficult. But oh well, its just white man's burden I guess"
by Amouss October 2, 2023
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Racist American, in their 30-40's who can often been found mowing the lawn, drinking Budweiser's or telling at black people.
Person 1: That Middle Aged White Man just said a slur!
Person 2: What did you except?
by God's favorite child. September 24, 2023
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