When you love Ska so much, you blow horns up your partner’s ass during sex
Shawn loved Reel Big Fish so much he developed a ska-talogical fetish that his girlfriend had to accept
by Sarcia26 July 29, 2019
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wet pussy sounds

a woman with a large vagina

a gesturing motion with the hands describing something wet
Joe fucked this chick the other night her pussy was like ska sqwash sqwash
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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(Italian-American Slang) An open palmed facial slap to a slack jaw, or the side of an open mouth which produces a loud, hollow sound.
I could feel the shockwave from across the room when Mikey Ga-Ga gave Sol a swift Scaffoombaggia (Ska-foom-bahtch), sending his face into orbit......
by Scoopalone February 19, 2009
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Awesome venue rockin' reggae/ska/dub written, recorded and preformed by essex's finest hippies - the New Town Kings - perfect for skanking to.
Person 1: Feel like some skanking to cheer me up....
Person 2: *puts on phat fingered essex ska*
Person 1: *has never heard anything as wicked as it before and immediately starts to skank and doesn't stop until they collapse on the floor form exhaustion*
by Ska-gal July 23, 2009
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1. finger banging 2.finger banging ones mother 3. fingering anything really
Hey Luigi! I gave your mom the 1 2 ska-do last night.
by ZAk March 23, 2005
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A six-legged mythological whore. Also known as the Badoop-Baday.
Christopher swore he had encountered the Bo-bo-ska-deeton-deeton-ra-ra-inchu while crossing the garden.
by Oliverio March 30, 2004
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A stupid cunt (usually female) that constantly gets drunk off cheerleader beer.
I got so drunk off bacardi and smirnoff last night...I love being a skit-ska-do-do-ra-ra-kill-du-gee-ga!
by Papa UlF November 5, 2006
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