There are many types of poo.

The sinkers - The ones that float to the bottom.

The explosion - The poo that you try to push out, but it comes out with a fart and explodes all over the inside of the toilet (requires hours of wiping.)

The invisible - The ones that are massive & you hear plop, but when you look there is nothing there.

The fire - The one that hurts for you to push out, like, seriously, whatever you do, that turd just won't get out yo' ass.

The crowner - when you haven't even sat down but you think it's just gonna pop out.

The log - A long piece of shlt.

The bomb - The one that smells really bad and stays around for hours.

The shots - The ones that fire out yo ass like a machine gun.
Me: Poo! You hurt me!
Poo: You produced me.
by tixymix March 25, 2012
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There are a few main kinds.

The Blessed One: This type off poo is the dream poo. You don't need to wipe and you feel the need to cheer after taking only a few minutes in the oval office.

The Bunny Poo: It's a ton of perfect little round poos! WTF!

The Mexican: It burns like the hottest of mexican spices and you need to flush multiple times or risk a clog. It takes hours to wipe the poor, withered butt, and the bathroom's smell kills the next seven people to walk inside.

The Torpido: This poo shoots in like a rocket and in return splashes a wall of water up your butt. You jump three feet in the air in shock.

The Houdini: This poo is the greatest illusionist of them all. You feel the poo, there's poo on the toilet paper, but when you go to look in the toilet, where did it go?! You look a while, then give up and flush, this mystery never seen...

The Skittle: You spend hours on the toilet, trying so hard to rid yourself of the intestinal burden, then finally it hits the water! You wipe, stand up to look at your prize then, you are disapointed to see a skittle-sized poo sitting there.

The Joker: You poo, and spend hours and hours wiping and wiping and when you finally pull up those trousers and are about to exit the bathroom--looks like you weren't done! You disapointedly sit back on the porcelain throne. Beware, there are always two joker cards in a deck.
The Blessed One: HUZZAH! 8D

The Bunny Poo: What..the...?


The Torpido: O_O WHOA!

The Houdini: Dum dee dum... WHUT? Where the heck...?


The Joker: Finally...! --Oh come ON!
by fatladysbeensinginawhile October 20, 2011
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Beating someone up untill they are down then wiping your ass in their face.
when someone is about to have a fight tell them to poo the other person
by Matty February 6, 2005
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Poo, sometimes referred as poop, is Southern Californian slang for the semi-synthetic opioid known as heroin. Specifically the narcotic that is black tar heroin.
"Dude, I need to go to a rehab clinic, I'm addicted to poo".
"Last night I did so much H, I was pooped".
"I bought a half gram of poop".
by The Black Roach January 24, 2010
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CLEAN Poop: The kind where you Poop it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the paper.

WET Poop: The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels un-wiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you don't ruin them with a stain.

SECOND WAVE Poop: This happens when you're done Pooping and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realize that you have to Poop some more.

POP-A-VEIN-IN-YOUR-FOREHEAD-Poop: The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.

GASSEY Poop: It's so noisy, everyone within earshot giggles.

DRINKER Poop: The kind of Poop you have the morning after a night of drinking. Its most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.

CORN Poop: (Self-explanatory)

GEE-I-WISH-I-COULD-Poop-Poop: The kind where you want to Poop, but all you do is set on the toilet and fart a few times.

SPINAL TAP Poop: This is when it hurts so badly coming out you'd swear it was leaving you sideways.

MEXICAN Poop:It smells so badly that your nose burns.
UPPER CLASS Poop: The kind of Poop that has no odor.
Guy 1: Yo, just took the most relaxing poo.
Guy 2: Yer gotta love poo :P
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Being without defect, usually extremely good-looking and fun to be around.
by Lexi G. April 5, 2006
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