Hipsters are people that have the ability to think for themselves. There are broad subdivisions of hipsters that get labels based on the clothes they wear. A lot of the negativity expressed in the prior definitions are targeted toward emo and fashioncore people. I might be, or might hang out with a bunch of hipsters, but we don't call ourselves that or even talk about it, but i've seen others referred to as hipsters because they engage in conversations that have substance. The conversations a hipster might have generally revolve around culture, drugs, nature, politics, and soceity. Instead of wasting time in front of the television being brainwashed hipsters spend it enjoying the fruits of life. Whether it be music, poetry, making your own fashion, or just trying to change the world. The reason a lot of hipsters seem arrogant is because they generally spend their time around other hipsters learning and experiencing new things.

A lot of people are intimidated by the amount of knowledge a hipster might posess regarding his subjects of interest, because instead of doing nothing at all hipsters tend to do things.

Most hipsters are enlightened individuals through psychedelic drug use and shun some of soceity's accepted evils like religion, the television, and marketing in general. Instead of buying what is sold to you on the television at a normal price, why not get what you need at the thrift store, be unique, and then spend the money elsewhere and support the kind of culture you indulge in.

If you had a 3rd generation or before ipod, you are a probably a hipster. You might be one or not be one based on that, but its a pretty good guideline.
"Wait... your calling me a stupid hipster because I shop at the Salvation Army, think for myself and follow the culture I can relate to the most and instead of spending my money on jeans I bought these turntables and a bunch of ecstacy, and I'm arrogant because I'd like to hang around people that are open with their feelings, don't talk behind others backs, and have similar interests more than I'd like to hang out with you and discuss the latest mtv reality show and contemplate what Paris Hilton will do next?"
by Brian Edgell October 28, 2006
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Hipster male: A total pussy possessing the fashion sense of an adolescent school girl, poor motor skills and below average hand-eye coordination. Cannot fix anything mechanical. Displays little to no athleticism. Listens to Coldplay while smoking pot and updating Pinterest page. Little success in longer term relationships as strong-willed women typically leave to pursue more sexually accomplished and career focused males. Can be seen on YouTube getting his ass kicked at an "Occupy This" demonstration. His grandfather who drives a truck, fought in Korea and worked three jobs to put his children through college is sickened by him.

Hipster female: A brat who never shuts the fuck up and possesses the fashion sense of an adolescent male. Has a false sense of confidence displayed by non-stop talking and pseudo-male behavior. Changes her life direction sporadically and frequently due to lack of any real male companionship (a result of interaction with above mention hipster males). Sexually frustrated and therefore occasionally acts out bisexually. Usually the "alpha" in the relationship with her aforementioned hipster male partner whom she usually has a much higher income than.
Hipster Male: "Babe, have you seen my pork-pie hat?"

Hipster Female: "It's on the nightstand next to your Bukowski novel and the "epic" strap-on I use to defile you. By the way, I'm going out for drinks with your sister."

Hipster Male: "Any way you could drop me off at the Apple store?"
by WhiteWilly November 21, 2012
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A Male/Female who generally is in high school or college. Most of the time females become lesbians because being straight is way to mainstream. The men either dress like they are gay or have gay friends. Hipsters tend to Dress out of the norm meaning Pants that go all the way up to their belly button /shorts and or a Loose Tshirt or Random Grandma Sweater that generally has a random animal on it. Hipsters like wearing combat boots or creepers. In modern days hipsters are NOT called sluts although most of the time they dress just as bad or even worse than the normal ho-bags of our everyday life. OR they show absolutely NO skin and wear long skirts and high collared shirts. They also enjoy movies that no one has heard of and English/British shows they find on NetFlix. Hipsters like tea.
"Oh my FECK! That guy Austin is such a Hipster."
"Bloody Hell, you saw that Lesbian over there, yeah?"(shrug)
by I'm not a Hipster. October 5, 2011
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arrogant people who try to find things that are different in order to stand out when the really just blend in to other "hipsters" they try to undermine things that a majority of people like whether or not that particular thing is wonderful or not
Population: wow we all really like such and such a singer because they actually produce wonderful music!

Hipster: I won't even listen to that because the rest of the population likes it... let me find someone no one listens to that might sound exactly the same as the singer the rest of the population likes.
by Victoria Raine April 28, 2011
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the hipster mecca is in williamsburg brooklyn. it's a subculture of kids born in the 80's. it started with mutton chops & buddy holly glasses, but has now progressed progressed into trucker caps, pointy shoes, and the god awful rehash of the mullet.

typically, hipsters are "slumming it" on mommy & daddy's dime. a full blown hipster reduces himself by never wearing anti-perspirant & appearing to be poor. drink of choice is rheingold, or pabst blue ribbon beer.
here comes the frickin hipster brigade!

i'm not going there! it's full of hipsters!
by sheena August 17, 2004
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A real hipster doesn't have to necessarily take up the conventions mentioned in many of these definitions. A hipster doesn't give a damn and may have perfectly normal hair. The hallmark of a hipster is high cultural tolerance and a slight tendency towards intellectual arrogance. There's no such thing as a "cliquish" hipster: People who are like that are just as brain-dead as any other close-minded person. Usually well-informed and interesting people who have more to discuss than gossip, TV shows (many hipsters have a disdain for television), and housing prices (unless they're about to re-up their lease).
That guy thinks for himself and questions authority. Definitely appreciates the arts, literary as well as visual and musical. He's a hipster for sure.
by CorporateHipster July 11, 2008
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modern term for organized counter culture, ie. not really counter culture at all, just a manifestation of posers desperate for a purpose.
as a result of acting like a douche bag, mary adopted a hipster persona, hoping it would make her seem not like a worthless sack.
by Downtowndave May 15, 2009
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