The first word that comes to anyones mind when they are hungry
1: “ hey whats up?”
2: “ Chicken”
1:” ummm what”
2” sorry im hungry
by ayooobubbbb February 3, 2019
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when a boy or a girl is being relay scared to ask out a girl or a boy to be a gf or bf and usually which they like them back, but isn't just doing it. most of this is afraid of embarrassment or if u say no. ppl like this are probably shy. trust me they will say yes and if they don't there loss. this can be annoying to some ppl bc its like they just want you to do it, they think its not that hard to say it. I get this 2. so try to understand them.
Jessica: Oml, Devon is being The chicken here. he should just ask Maggie out already.

loyal: he might be scared, give him time.
Jessica: ok,ok but can we get lunch I'm starving from all this drama talk
Loyal: same lets go get chick-fla
by State farm assistant September 14, 2022
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Every human has a distinct Personality; every chicken has a distinct Chickenality. This is one reason not to eat chickens.
"Dude, eating chickens is so wrong. They feel pain."
"But they don't have a personality, so what do I care?"
"Well, they have a CHICKENALITY, which is unique and irreplaceable."
"OMG you're insane."
by Chicken #3452048 May 7, 2008
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The process of reaching into a pool of grease and pulling out a piece of chicken, akin to fishing; only involving prey which is already dead and not having to wait five hours for some activity. Usually occurs when eating KFC, or eating some similar type of fast food in the form of pieces of chicken drowning in grease.
Bob went chickening in the KFC bag, as he was hungry
by Ogan the Chosen One October 21, 2009
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The moment of extreme ecstasy experienced after the first few bites of long awaited fried chicken.
After battling my way through the masses of zombies, nearly losing my life to the eternal darkness of ghouldom countless times among the tide of grabbing wretched hands, I finally made it to the restaurant. True, the chilled beer quenched my thirst as I knew it would. But it wasn't until I felt the Chickening, that I knew that it was all worth it.
by Dante Dono April 27, 2007
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A chicken is slang for a kilogram which is roughly 36 ounces, also known as a bird, in which the term came from, It is most commonly used in measurements of Marijuana and Cocaine.
Example #1: "Hey man you got a chicken?"
Example #2: "36 Eggs (Ounces) come from each Chicken (Kilogram).
by Iatola January 31, 2011
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