A derogatory term for a disabled midget.

Also in some context meaning vagina
by Clutxhea January 24, 2023
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Something that, if you look at while high, makes you feel weird.
I was watching donnie darko when high and it made me feel bookie
by Wonkytiger November 23, 2020
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Something that, if you look at or do while high, makes you feel weird.
Hey, I was watching donnie darko while high and it made me feel all bookie
by Wonkytiger November 23, 2020
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Trash, not good at or just flat out terrible at something
*Blowing a team out*
You: These kids are bookie
by 2k slang July 27, 2020
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A Zambian slang word used to describe that a situation was or is mad, insane, out of this world or bonkers.
Are you sure you want to go there? That's side it's bookie.
by September 29, 2021
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