The condition known as Post-Squirrel Trauma Syndrome is when one suffers the chronic traumatic stress syndrome brought about by a dream, or dreams; of being a squirrel, and waking up to find out that they are not in fact, a squirrel. Also known as PSTS.
I heard Lou Lou is suffering from Post-Squirrel Trauma Syndrome again, the poor girl. We'll bake her some brownies and take them over to her den where she's hiding.
'Oh you mean PSTS, that's nasty stuff!'
by mojoroberts December 24, 2016
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Counterfeit humans, attached to traumatic institutions of culture, and hierarchy, who are beholden to upholding the lies and the crimes, that those traumatic institutions were historically founded upon, because those institutions are the trauma addicts' only source of social and existential value.
The trauma addict zombies of the prestigious university - who went in disguise as normal students and staff - conspired against the minority target for the entire , four year length of her academic career - because they meant to uphold the racial hierarchy of undeserved white privilege, which is the toxic tradition of the nation, and thus, gain the material rewards of professional advancement for themselves. Immunebliss
by ancestaera August 27, 2020
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When your friend has been through a lot so they channel it into growing their booty
You: Looking thick today bro that ass looking tight
Friend: thanks bro I've been training hard since my dad left
You: Damn you double cheecked up you getting that trauma dumpy
by DeesLaw November 21, 2021
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A weird ship that you found as a kid with unlimited internet access and hate with your entire soul. Usually from cartoons from late 1990-2010’s and involves, incest, pedophilia, and/or, enemies to lovers
Friend 1: I hate the humanized bill cipher design

Friend 2: Ewwww! Don’t mention that, that’s my Childhood ship trauma
by ButcherOfZoos July 21, 2022
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The feeling that comes after you've eaten a large meal but shit so little, leaving you to wonder if some of the food couldn't find its way out of the trench.
"Dude, help. It's poop trauma again."
by The Tangible Laugh March 31, 2016
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Using others peoples traumatic life events or circumstances for content. Especially for clout and or traction. Often disguised as attempts to garner mass help, often for a go fund me etc. The trauma farmer doesn’t directly benefit from the go fund me but rather benefits by using other peoples exceptional circumstances to drive attention on their content.
Did you see. Jordan’s recent video?

Yea, They only post about people who get fucked up

I know! They stay trauma farming
by DarkBranDong March 9, 2023
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One who looks or seeks out trauma situations ie CSI'S, bomb squads etc
Friend: did you hear that dan got into a knife fight with a couple gang members
Me: yeah he's most definitely a trauma hound
by Zer0 January 17, 2017
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