Lauren is fucking crazy!!!! She has insane shoes and everything you could ever think of. Lauren has good taste in music and rocks fuckin hall and Oates! She has visions in her head about cool shit and has a good idea of life. Pretty and cool, she did NOT invent the word coolin under any circumstance. She has a crazy future and just dislocates her knee.
Lauren Sullivan”
“Shits wild”
“I’m aware”
Don’t act smart with me”
Lauren: OW MY KNEE
by girldislocatesherknee June 24, 2019
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A girl who often has twi boys to choose from, a girl who will plan a future with one of those boys not even knowing if he feels the same way a girl who’s stuck on one boy when there is one right in her face liking her , she can be blind but she’s a great gf
John: do you think she likes me

Sam: she likes me but I don’t like her shoot your shot
John: she is to obsessed with you
Sam: yeah ik she’s such a Stefani Sullivan
by Raven Smalls April 19, 2019
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massive big giant cock that is attached to a t rex through the use of super glue
Man i need a sullivan tarrant in me tonight
by sully tatrtanttgbxdb February 25, 2023
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A Facebook famous boy from Sydney Australia, known for his video uploads.
Did you see Jake Sullivan's new video on Facebook? It got like 50,000 likes.
by Rhesa Ann December 20, 2016
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A really cool dude who is really classic and knows exactly what he wants.
by Karson Sullivan February 17, 2018
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really nerdy guy that has bad luck with houses and hair.
brian sullivans house burnt down while at comi con
by bitch getter 94 August 18, 2014
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