Steve is a broke ass nigga his girlfriend is ugly asf and dumb she is cheating on him with these big ass glasses. He sucks at fortnite he is really broke asf and he cant fight he got beat up in 6th grade and payton smells like wet coins and red necks and wet molded clothes her teeth are as bright as the sun she probably got lice or something steve wears these beat up ass 12s he stinks and smells like dog piss and he doesnt wash his hair at all that nigga is going blind with them big ass glasses i hate them bitches throw them away or ima beat tf outta yo brother i hate yall ugly asses brush your fucking teeth ugly red nose having ass nigga your ugly asf go get sum fuckin pussy your a fucking total virgin
by chandalar November 13, 2019
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He is this one guy with yellow teeth that has an awesome friend Justis who you should also look up on this website boi. He's very religious, sometimes a liar and has another friend named Donald who you should also look up.
Girl: That guy is such a Stephen!
Stephen: My names Jerry!!!
by JustisH March 12, 2018
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1. A boy who loves spanish pool boys in the pants

2. A little boy who loves the feel of mustaches and goes all horney getting the 1cm stiffy
1. Boy your are the biggest stephen ever
2. Stop Stephening me
3. Comon lets stephen
by the Jamacian king October 16, 2008
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A typical dark skinned teenager who has a small shirt size. He owns a weave which make his hair look very nappy. A kid who never has service in is own bedroom -_-. A kid who looks forward to eating KFC after school, with kool aid. If you look at the kids face you'll think that he appeared on Nas's Illmatic album. The kid tens to run away a cry sometimes when he is mad. A kid that gets really good marks on his report cards
by greenhippo43 July 11, 2011
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A cocky, arrogant, speed lover, who thinks he's a badass when in reality he's nothing but a melted marshmallow.

They easily fall in love with beautiful Hebrew girls.
Poor Stephen, he's in love again with that beautiful jew girl.
by Praline7700 February 5, 2017
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The kinda guy to go as low as to fuck his own motherin front of his sister and then crack a joke to his buddies over a cold Budweiser
I was enjoying a cold Budweiser when Stephen cracked a joke about fucking his own mother in front of his daughter!
by TacoEatingMan October 23, 2017
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Stephen is an egotistical moron with absolutely no friends just a plain loser and he has a very small dick no lie.
Wow! Amy look at Stephen he has a very small Weiner. Margarette I know.
by HeavensofAnarchy December 11, 2019
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