A totally retarded show that got cancelled too soon.
Okay guys, I know I say this every week, but this week's episode of Stella REALLY was the most retarded one yet.
by Smanny April 25, 2006
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Jerk, annoying, idiot and is desperate
See that girl she’s a Stella don’t get get too close
by jimmyfallonistheman January 27, 2019
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An older woman who is going out with a younger woman. Something like a cougar.
Kim is such a stella she is 42 and is going out with Stefan who is 23
by Rashida4eva November 19, 2008
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a bum who doesn’t have any real friends cuz spends all of her time trying to get guys attention and when she does a little bit she acts like she is the shit and the coolest girl around.
person 1: “this new girl is all over those guy over there but i haven’t seen her try to make an actual friend.” person 2: “yea she is probably a stella.”
by urmomsrichmom June 1, 2020
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The cutest couple you'll ever encounter in your life. They're lovers who spend their whole days with one another. They gossip and share personal secrets, so beware, they know everything. Together, they are an unstoppable pair at almost anything. In the relationship, Stella is usually the boss, and spends most of the time making Isaac running errands for her, but Isaac doesn't mind because he knows they're meant to be.
friend1: Look at those two, they're so cute
friend2: That's because they're Stella and Isaac
by flamingojose March 9, 2017
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The specific tide level at a “particular” surf break where the waves are the most fun.

A Stella Tide could be high or low - it all depends on the sea floor of the particular break at what water level creates the best sections/barrels
Stella Tide at this beach break is around 9 am.
by HighLineDHD December 26, 2018
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