a person who purposely destroys the emotions of love (between 2 people in the relationship) just to be with another person.
1)he's a player
2)she messes around with peoples hearts like a player.
by Mr.Fresh July 3, 2005
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a stupidd whoree guy. he thinks he is soo cool but really he isnt. dont fall her his gamee cause he is a FAKEE!
pepe alonso is a playerr. hatehim.
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The shittiest kind of rolling papers you can buy
fuck players, zig-zags are the way to go
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who who indulges in the life of many females.
well, if you cant find your man at night then he comes home and showers....you got yourself a live- in playa!
by msplatnum03 February 2, 2004
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simply exercising your options, known as playing around.most commonly a gent who looks good dresses well and great with his words.
by imthatguybro April 5, 2022
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a person who uses you as a toy because they are bored and dont have anyone elses feelings to mess with
"luke is such a player becuase he was talking to me for 8 months and then all of a sudden stopped"
by thy shall be un-named February 10, 2020
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1.A pro-active individual working toward success.

He was a player in the marketing industry.

She is a player in the real estate world.
by shitheadmutha September 24, 2006
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