The word "brick" is used to indicate a long period of time that has passed. Can also be used ironically to indicate a short period of time.
"Hey man, what's up! It's been a while!"
"Yeah, I haven't seen you 'in a brick'!"
by Anna for English Class October 10, 2019
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When feet are so super cold it burns
Stephanie always has ice bricks when she goes to sleep
by snapkatz March 8, 2014
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basically it means like fuck me. idk how just stop reading, get that into your head and go
cock me doodle brick daddy
by dingdongdoorditchh November 20, 2022
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damn muhfuckaaaaa, iss dum brick outside, goddamn! my muhfuckin skin is crawlin yooo.
by Matt Sutch December 5, 2007
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A brick brain is a person named Jackson who had a brick placed on his head by a Karen.
Jackson: *contemplates life choices*
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A Large amount of something, Or something Very Expensive
¹Hey Megalodon! I've got Brick Brack Bread bro!
²Damn these Jordan's Really Brick Brack homie
by Expensive Price November 5, 2020
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A phrase used when it’s unbelievably cold, almost to the point where it actually hurts to be outside. Is typically used in the winter months in areas where temperatures drop below freezing.
A. This guy walks outside for the first time since it snowed and is sitting in his car waiting for it to defrost and warm up, then literally screams with intensity: Aaaaah!!! It’s brick out here!

B. Friend 1: Make sure you put on that extra layer when you head out today. Wouldn’t want you to get sick because of the crazy cold weather we’ve had lately.

Friend 2: Girl, you ain’t never lied! It’s brick out!
by WeLiveFunLivesInMyCircle February 9, 2022
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