A woman born and raised in Jersey who fell in love with the south, and despite what she thinks is a transplanted country girl. Most country boys fall in love with her unique combination of a beautiful and strong spunky jersey girl, mixed with the sweet and salty homestyle love of a southern girl. She can hold her own and blends in with the best of the southern folk as most accept her for her new found country roots along with her old quick wit and humor.
We always knew he'd end up with a southern belle, but he did one better and got himself a jersey belle.

A jersey belle - twice the sarcasm and booty, yet just the same southern charm and beauty.
by Carolinaduckhunter June 6, 2017
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Finding crap on your condom after an anal encounter.
"I did her up the butt, and when I pulled out I had a chocolate jersey!"
by D73 November 25, 2007
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A woman giving Chris Christie a blowjob while having delicious Jersey tomatoes shoved up her ass.
"I sure could go for a Jersey sandwich right now."
by Trenton Badboy February 3, 2016
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Alcoholic Drink:
2 parts: Whiskey (Jameson or Jack Daniels)
1 part: Tequila (Whatever floats your boat)
1 splash: Coca-Cola or Pepsi
Good time?: Totally
You: “Lemme get a ‘Jersey Slammer!’”
Bartender: “Do you hate yourself?”
You: “Only on Friday nights!!”
Bartender: “Oh dayum...”
by TheDrukenCowboy September 5, 2019
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While visiting south Philadelphia getting a blow job from a jersey girl in a ditch.
while I was visiting Philadelphia, before a Eagles football game I met a girl and she gave me a Jersey gutter.
by K/Hines May 26, 2013
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Here's Part 5 of my 5178 character essay on how amazing NJ is. Go to my profile for previous. And you know what we made? CAMPBELLS'. FUCKING. SOUP. CAMPBELLS IS ARGUABLY THE BEST SOUP COMPANY IN THE ENTIRE NATION AND YOU KNOW THAT. We also have Wawas but I'm not sure if they're actually FROM NJ they might be a Pennsylvania or Connecticut thing. I'll go look it up. Yeah they're from PA but still we have a lot of wawas while you californians don't. And yes, we're the most dense. We're also in the top half of populous states (I think). If you live here you can go out to New York with your friends for your occasional good time. (However, the traffic on the turnpike can get big. Also always remember to take the HOLLAND tunnel. Lincoln tunnel sucks and it's irrelevant.) Despite having to pay a ridiculous toll fee, it's worth it. We've got one of the most dense cities in the US (Jersey City). Go to my profile for the last part part 6 it's up because i posted them all in the same 10 mins (i wrote the entire essay at once but then realized i couldn't post it so broke it up into parts after)
that's the end of New Jersey - Part 5
by Stroughbries2763 September 4, 2022
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