Something or someone has the same or similar quantities to the fanon celebrity Shabnam.
by thecharacterwannie August 27, 2023
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1 way is to transfer 0s and 1s for example 01000001 is A and also is 65 another way is to transfer html programing into main language for example lets change booleans between the concepts of computing and decoding last example is coding for the decode for example lets program this out of the board so then we know what decoding is.
this informative quinet is like our informative coding and decoding!
by con"eriba February 27, 2022
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Hey evelyn, i know we have a long history and everything but i just really felt like i needed to let you know my feelings. For the past two years i know ive acted like i liked other girls but ive always wondered why i cant ever seem the commit to them. The reason is you, I always uncontrollably want to come back to you and i dont know why but id resort to talking to other girls to numb my feelings for you but they always come back. I remember when we first met you told me that im only 14 and how could i know what love was, but i do know what love is because i love you, I have for the past two years and i dont know if i will ever stop. For these past 2 years ive always watched you grow close to other guys and grow apart and every single time ive envied them because every single time none of them were me. I loved being by your side and the only time we were close was then you were speaking to one of my friends and we all hung out together like wesley, daniel and andrew. ive grown close to this feeling of being by your side as a friend and being only on the sidelines of your relationships. Even though i wished it was me standing in their places but i think if i could live these past 2 years 100 times over i would choose to be supporting from the side every time.
by ChaChawaka December 1, 2022
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The Elder of the Bro code is the head of the High Table, a mystical man who is the holder of the Bro code. The Elder is the only man who can edit the Bro code, he is also the only man who can decide over the Bro tribunals. He who leads a mutiny against the Elder is punished by a punishment spoken by the Elder.

The Elder resides in the South American country of Suriname.
The Elder is the almighty beholder of the Bro code.
The Elder has the initials SOD.
His fate shall be decided by the Elder. The Elder is the being who decides over the Bro code. The Bro code Elder is the highest power who oversees all bro code punishments.
by Shivaraj May 11, 2020
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"We have a Code 15 down at Base Camp... I repeat! We have a Code 15 down at basecamp!"
by princesspinetree23 July 27, 2023
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