The nicest and best anime partner you would ever want and he is obv the best viewer for selshi podcast.
by Zupley April 2, 2021
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When you plead for some hunt showdown, but Alfie decides that today and tomorrow just won’t work.
J-had: Lemme know if ur down to play
Alfie: Probs not today, I'm free wednesday and thursday tho, wby?
J-had: *sadness violin noises*
by J-had July 12, 2021
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When you plead for some hunt showdown, but Alfie decides that today and tomorrow just won’t work.
J-had: Lemme know if ur down to play
Alfie: Probs not today, I'm free wednesday and thursday tho, wby?
J-had: *sadness violin noises*
by J-had July 12, 2021
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The definition of having a mental breakdown or having depression. Or somethin’ bad happened which made you sad.
Child: Mom?
Mom: Yes?
Child: What is Sadness?
Mom: When your emotionally feeling down.
by iiixxxxllyyyy March 10, 2021
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A very cancer team in any Videogame

IE: Playing Poloma, Lucy and Varesh combo in Battlerite
"This comp is the definition of Sadness dude"
by Baio November 26, 2016
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Sadness is a simple emotion. you feel sad. like me rn. Just a hug can make you cry a lot. Talking to some people hurt, because its hard to keep everything inside you. If someone there for you, use it. A teacher at school, friend, family. anything. If your sad rn. keep hope, theres people that loves you. I know its hard and maybe you have fake friends that insults you. Bro, they're not your friends. Its okay to go away from negative people. Writing help. Singing help. Dancing maybe. Sleeping. its gonna be all right.
I think they are sad.
Yes its called Sadness
by mydadismybf November 23, 2021
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